Monday, April 19, 2010

Amir's House On Saturday 17/4/2010

So after futsal I went to amir's house so we played ps3 the whole day....n at nite we watch MAN UTD VS MAN CITY.....hehe Man Utd won!!yeah!!.After the match we played zombie till 11.30 .And after that we plan to watch the movie called Uninvited but amir told us about the chelsea match againts Totenham ...too bad chelsea lost 2-1...after the football match we played football downstairs till 1.45..Then malique and amir fall asleep n me,arrifin,anwar,luqman,john(arrifin's fren) and omar dont wat to do so we played football again n luqman was the commentator..he was damn funny he speak in malay when he was the commentator..we played till 3.30.Then we tried to play Rockband but something went wrong so we didn't play..but we play singstar till 6 a.m. .Luqman sang this rap song he also rap..he was damn funny!So WE PLAY AND PLAY AND PLAY ALL NITE LONG!!!!!!

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